Tuesday, December 3, 2013



  • 1/4 kg wheat flour
  • 2000 grams butter
  • 1/2 kg sugar
  • 2 pieces egg
  • 1000 grams chocolate powder or 2000 grams chocolate block, melted
  • 1 glass water
  • Sweetened condensed milk at sufficiently
  • Peeled peanuts and cheese

How to make Baked Brownies:

  • Sift wheat flour and chocolate powder, set aside.
  • Mix water with sweetened condensed milk, stir until blend. Set aside.
  • Roasted and flaked peanuts. Grated cheese.
  • Egg and sugar beat with mixer until fluffy, put butter little by little.
  • Put wheat flour and chocolate powder, then peanuts, stir slowly using spatula until blended.
  • Pour batter into baking pan that has been greased. Bake for about 15 minutes. Remove then sprinkle with gratin. Bake again for about 15 minutes.
  • If it's already cooked, lift and remove from baking pan.
  • Serve.

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